Call for candidates to fill board vacancies
This number is the minimum number of board members outlined in our bylaws. We prefer 5 members on the board if possible but it is not required, also the bylaws require an uneven number on the board for vote tie breaking.
If you would like to serve on the Sugarhill Board and you are a more than 1 year owner, please contact a board member or visit the website 'Voting' page (located in the Website MENU) or goto the nomination form. Nominations need to be presented well before the December 31 deadline for the nominating committee review and to be included in the electronic and printed ballots that must be mailed 45 days before the February 27, 2025 @ 7pm Annual Members Meeting.
If only two owners request nomination and the nominating committee allows the nominations as qualifying and the board approves the candidates then the positions will be filled without an election. Our bylaws recognize that an election is only needed when more than 1 candidate is nominated for 1 vacancy. In this case that would be 1 or more above 2 vacancies.
A "Final Call" legal notification for candidates will be posted, mailed, and emailed on December 1 if only 2 owners have come forward. Update 12/2/2024 The Final Call Letter is now out with 2 candidates, here's the pdf of the Final Call Letter.
If only 1 owner or no owners want the positions we will continue with our 3 member board. If more than 2 want to be candidates an election will commence January 1 ending at the Annual Members Meeting on February 27, 2025 where the results will be announced.