

Property Owners Association
Working to make Sugarhill as sweet as it can be.
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We are a Jensen Beach Florida HOA
Selecting the bar opens a navigation panel on the right. Use that panel to move throughout the website. If you have any problems with the site send us a comment on the Contact Us page. We also have a Frequently Asked Questions page that may help.
A refresh↻ button is provided to the left above on the same bar as the   ☰ Website MENU.. This is because the website pages are updated frequently and your browser may be showing old information.
Why we don't publish phone numbers or email addresses on the website.
Website Posted 2/1/24
Emailed & mailed 1/15/24

Annual Members Meeting will be held Feb 29th (this month).

  For our Board, the annual members meeting is where the association members are invited to present questions and comments to the board. We will make every effort to answer or explain things. We welcome suggestions. The Q & A starts after the required regular board process is complete.

  Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
●The proposed budget
●Drainage issues and why water is being held higher in the Savannas
●Tennis Court path problems and the new bollards
●Covenants enforcement
●House Colors Survey
●Entrance camera success
●Website information understanding
●The "Road Easement Right-of-Way" Resolution, etc.

Annual Maintenance Fee

Has been billed, and is
Due On July 1
If Not Paid
It Is Past Due Now

Visit this link for more info

OK, everything is growing like crazy.

Time to clear that foliage creeping into the road

Visit this link for more info

New Owners Information

A Very Big Welcome ~ From your Sugarhill neighbors

Call for candidates to fill board vacancies  

This number is the minimum number of board members outlined in our bylaws. We prefer 5 members on the board if possible but it is not required, also the bylaws require an uneven number on the board for vote tie breaking.

If you would like to serve on the Sugarhill Board and you are a more than 1 year owner, please contact a board member or visit the website 'Voting' page (located in the Website MENU)or goto the nomination form. Nominations need to be presented well before the December 31 deadline for the nominating committee review and to be included in the electronic and printed ballots that must be mailed 45 days before the February 27, 2025 @ 7pm Annual Members Meeting.

If only two owners request nomination and the nominating committee allows the nominations as qualifying and the board approves the candidates then the positions will be filled without an election. Our bylaws recognize that an election is only needed when more than 1 candidate is nominated for 1 vacancy. In this case that would be 1 or more above 2 vacancies.

A "Final Call" legal notification for candidates will be posted, mailed, and emailed on December 1 if only 2 owners have come forward.

If only 1 owner or no owners want the positions we will continue with our 3 member board. If more than 2 want to be candidates an election will commence January 1 ending at the Annual Members Meeting on February 27, 2025 where the results will be announced.

This was posted Sept 10, 2024
The Sugarhill News  

Current News and Community Information

The House Paint Colors Survey Results  ☜ NEW

This survey was presented to help the board develop either covenant change preparations for a community legal voting process or to implement better enforcement of existing covenants. Surveys are not legal change votes, only information gathering.

Why would we block the tennis court path to motorized vehicles?  ☜NEW

Just a few years back the tennis court path, which at that time was about six years old, still looked good.

Road Right of Way Issues Resolved...  ☜IMPORTANT

Clarification of multiple issues not well defined in the covenants regarding the front 14-15 feet from the pavement into your yard that is actually owned by the association.
This is important if you have foliage growing into or over the road.

Mosquito Feast Back Again...

Once again we have perfect mosquito conditions. As it warms up in the next few months it will get worse.

New Statutes: Flag Flying & Backyard Stuff

These new statutes passed by the legislation and signed into law by the governor in July can confuse somewhat especially the flag regulation. Both new laws are different from each other as to how they relate to our bylaws and covenants.

Video surveillance at the entrance...

There are several advantages of video surveillance in Sugarhill...

Our Street Lights and their Fixtures

The matching light fixtures on our covenant-required street light posts have a problem, they are no longer made but...

All Vote Before Hiring Property Management Company

Community Should Vote Before Any Board Contracts a Property Management Company to run Sugarhill. Covenants are not protecting community from serious poor vetting...

Pickleball brings new life to the tennis court...

Converting the courts to have both tennis and pickleball proves to be a success...
Scroll through the articles. Look for new articles regularly.

Our Mission and What We Believe

The Sugarhill Property Owners Association Board, as the representatives of all Sugarhill owners, is dedicated to respectful friendly communications between neighbors regarding issues that affect us all. We believe the POA Board of Directors should reflect the majority of homeowners views. Everyone should have a say in decisions that affect us all. Everyone should also be kept well informed, a primary goal of this website.
We also want to keep Sugarhill the wonderful place it is.

Our Friends at Paramount Tax & Accounting

The people who so graciously offer their meeting room for our meetings.
They are located on the corner of Sugarhill Ave and Jensen Beach Blvd.

We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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For Security and Privacy Protection

No homeowners, board members, or committee members have their contact information listed in the website. Keep in mind, this website is available to everyone. It's not like having contact information in a mailed document or community newsletter. THE ONLY WAY TO CONTACT US is through the "Contact Us" page or other contact forms. The forms have a very high level of security and nothing is stored at the server.

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Who Want's to Catch Flies?

So this is a very old expression. Dates back to the 1500s. It's literal meaning refers to how flies will get stuck in honey and stay away from you (a good thing).

The human relationship meaning refers to how you treat people. Treat them with sweetness (kindness, compassion, consideration) and you don't have as many problems (flies bothering you). Treat them nasty (vinegar) and your problems will never go away.

We believe in this motto and try to live by it.