
Property Owners Association
Working to make Sugarhill as sweet as it can be.
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Board Candidate Information Form


Please fill out and submit the form below to start the Election Nomination Process.

Candidate Information Form

Your Contact Information

What's my Lot # ?
Required Qualification Questions
Sugarhill Bylaws require Board Candidates to meet specific qualifications:

This is required, Must be more than one year.

 I am a member in good standing with no debt to the association.
 I have a debt to the association making me NOT in good standing.

 I have had a felony conviction in the last 5 years.
 I have had NO felony conviction in the last 5 years.

A successful nominee shall be willing to serve as an officer for at least one (1) one-year term within their term as a director.

Candidacy Information
You May Add Files Like PDFs or Pictures (not required)
You may be interested in sending pictures or PDFs to be included in your candidacy Information. These files can not be included in this form but if you select the button below we will send you an email that you can reply to and include those files in the reply.

 Please send me the email so I can send the files in a reply as attachment/s.

We have to use this method to protect the security of the files against hackers.
Some types of files are more vulnerable. Email handler software is very secure.

Board Members Communication (not required)
This section is not required. It is important for the Board to be able to communicate with each other effectively. Some of the answers here can effect the efficiency the board has with the community. They can also effect how much confusion happens between board members. This information will help the nominating committee determine, at their discretion, candidates presented to the board to be nominated. Board members need to be successful in all possible methods to keep connected with the board, a very important requirement for a successful board.

How often will you access the email you entered in the top section?
 I check that email 2 or more times a day.
 I check that email 1 time a day.
 I check that email once or twice a week.
My work will delay responding fast to email sometimes.
My email viewer will view attached PDFs clearly.

If the phone number you entered in the top section can do texting:
 I check that text 2 or more times a day.
 I check that text 1 time a day.
 I check texts immediately or ASAP.
 I can't text on my phone
My work will delay responding to text sometime.

Are you willing to talk in-person with another board member or by phone call?
 I have no issues with in-person or phone call communication.
 I have issues with in-person or phone call communication.

Video Calling options. Reasearch shows that there is a very large loss of understanding when you can't see the person you are talking to. We have experienced this with our board. These questions ask if you can and are you willing to do Google Duo, Skipe, or FaceTime with another board member?

 I can use Google Duo.
 I can use Skipe.
 I can use FaceTime.
 I CAN'T use Google Duo, FaceTime, or, Skipe. I need help to use but will learn.
 I WON'T use FaceTime, Skipe, or Google Duo.

Internet connection and FaceTime. The board works with the internet. The website contains everything needed to assist you as a board member. Florida Law allows a board member to attend a board meeting by way of FaceTime. We use the FaceTime connection when a meeting needs a board member's attendance to make quorum (majority). Without quorum the meeting can not be held.

My Internet connection and equipment provides good broadband and I can FaceTime?
 My internet provider and equipment provides good broadband.
 My internet provider and equipment provides average to slow broadband.
I don't understand broadband enough to give a good answer.
I don't understand FaceTime enough to give a good answer.

Badge for Tectite supplied contact form

Thank You for wanting to be a board member in your community. Serious apathy is a continually growing issue in all communities. Sugarhill suffers from apathy. You are helping to resolve that problem.

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Lot Numbers by Map

Look for your lot in the Sugarhill map.


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About these services:

These free services have free apps or can be done using a browser. They work well through smart phones and computers.

Google Duo is a free, simple video calling app that brings you face-to-face with a person. It is the highest rated video calling app. More Google Duo Info Here.

Skype is a free, simple video calling app that brings you face-to-face with a person. It is also a high rated video calling app. More Skipe Info Here.

FaceTime is a free, simple video calling app that brings you face-to-face with a person. It use to be ONLY AVAILABLE FOR APPLE products like iPhone or iPad but not anymore.

FaceTime connecting using non-apple products Info Here.

More FaceTime Info Here.

Electronic activity at our meetings is done with Apple products such as iPad and iPhone. This is because iPhone is the most used smart phone platform and the current board president uses Apple iOS. 9-1-22

We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
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Who Want's to Catch Flies?

So this is a very old expression. Dates back to the 1500s. It's literal meaning refers to how flies will get stuck in honey and stay away from you (a good thing).

The human relationship meaning refers to how you treat people. Treat them with sweetness (kindness, compassion, consideration) and you don't have as many problems (flies bothering you). Treat them nasty (vinegar) and your problems will never go away.

We believe in this motto and try to live by it.