
Property Owners Association
Working to make Sugarhill as sweet as it can be.
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Annual Association Maintenance Fee

Sugarhill has been fortunate to have an exceptionally low homeowners fee.icon$700 as of the 2024-2025 budget. This is the result of community understandings that amenities like bulk tv cable, clubhouses and other items do not necessarily enhance the values of our lives above high association fees.

We are a privately owned association that allows us to control certain aspects of our surroundings maintaining the unusual beauty of this community.

With those benefits come responsibilities that regularly cost the association money. The number one expense is our association-owned roads and their signs. This has always been the biggest expense that has to be reserved from the association fees.

The roads are followed closely by the need to keep our drainage systems functioning at top performance, another high level expense.

Finally we have lots of common grounds that require regular maintenance such as the entrance walls area, the mail boxes, the tennis courts and various walking paths mowing, roadway mowing, irrigation systems, and tree maintenance.

It takes careful accounting to maintain all this in a successful way so as to not increase the association fee or to call for special assessments.

We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Who Want's to Catch Flies?

So this is a very old expression. Dates back to the 1500s. It's literal meaning refers to how flies will get stuck in honey and stay away from you (a good thing).

The human relationship meaning refers to how you treat people. Treat them with sweetness (kindness, compassion, consideration) and you don't have as many problems (flies bothering you). Treat them nasty (vinegar) and your problems will never go away.

We believe in this motto and try to live by it.

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Minor Change Coming in 2020 Billing

To simplify the Two Installment process and avoid possible confusion the $11.67 add-on fee for using the Two Installment Payment Plan will increase to $12 (a 33¢ increase) and will be split evenly between the two payments. That will make the first payment $356 and the last payment $356 as well. This will make the total for using the Two Installment Payment Plan $712.



Mail or Drop Off Payments To:

Paterson Accounting Service, Inc
3316 NE Sugarhill Ave.
Jensen Beach, FL 34957

The big green building on the corner of Sugarhill Ave and Jensen Beach Blvd. Below the first set of stairs.
  • Paterson has a payment box to the left of their front door that you can place your payment in.
  • It is best to place the payment in the box so it won't sit in the box overnight or over weekend. They are closed on Fridays and weekends.

Paterson does only commercial bookkeeping and accounting.