
Property Owners Association
Working to make Sugarhill as sweet as it can be.
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Exterior Paint Options in Sugarhill

Sugarhill's Colors History

When the developer of Sugarhill initiated our first covenants in the late 1970's it was designed with the natural colors of the Savannas Preserve. Our subdivision was literally built into that Preserve. This is one of the unique characteristics that sets the entire community apart from most of South Florida. It is very difficult to find any of our neighbors that don't understand and appreciate what attracted all of us to Sugarhill. When you walk through our neighborhood you're not overwhelmed by the man-made or the "condo-cut" look because it blends so seamlessly with the surroundings. It's like taking a walk in a Florida Hammock. The nature and beauty of this neighborhood needs to be carefully preserved. Colors have a lot to do with that. The covenants have three color ranges, Gray, Green, and Brown. The spectrums contained in each color option was limited to avoid the extremes on both ends of the spectrums.

Covenants Can Cause Confusion

The original covenant document is located above by selecting an index button. As I'm sure you can tell the document is easily confusing. Just the first paragraph leaves the covenant open to "an understanding within the community of the colors that are acceptable." So with the vagaries we have decided to use the range extremes of the colors and add suggestion colors that fall in the three spectrums. The suggested colors are just colors that fall into the three spectrums and not requirements. The other thing we have done is convert all the colors to Sherwin Williams colors. When the covenant was written Benjamin Moore was the closest paint dedicated store, now Sherwin Williams is the closest. As of September 2019 Benjamin Moore (Regal Paint Center) has opened a new store on US 1 South of Walmart at Lennard Road (10981 South US1, Port St. Lucie, FL 34952). We are not endorsing any manufacturer of paint. This is the process to amend the documents.

You Must Get Approval Before You Paint

You will need approval before you paint! Don't buy paint that hasn't been approved for your project, it may be rejected. Don't have one company's paint that was approved, mixed to match by another company without approval because the match is often not close to the original. You will need to submit the paint store's chip card before approval. This is needed so we can verify the paint wasn't changed from approval color. Also, please remember, it takes a complicated process to change a covenant and written covenants are legally binding whether you or we like it or not.

The Three Color Spectrums

Our three color spectrums will start with the lightest close Sherwin Williams match to the Benjamin Moore listed in the covenant. That will be followed by our suggestions. then followed with the darkest match. We will do that for each of the three colors. After the color sections there is a section comprised of colors that are out of the covenant range and that have become part of our community because of previous Boards lack of enforcement.

WARNING all computer monitors and smart phone screens represent color VERY differently. Always verify with paint store chips. Also, you must submit actual paint chips or their Manufacturer Name & Number to us before approval. Don't email us pictures of the colors, bring us the chip or send the number. We only have color assortments for Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams, all others you will have to submit the actual chip. All your colors must be approved. VERY IMPORTANT, Don't waste your money on paint until it's approved.

This page was last updated on 7-11-2023

We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Who Want's to Catch Flies?

So this is a very old expression. Dates back to the 1500s. It's literal meaning refers to how flies will get stuck in honey and stay away from you (a good thing).

The human relationship meaning refers to how you treat people. Treat them with sweetness (kindness, compassion, consideration) and you don't have as many problems (flies bothering you). Treat them nasty (vinegar) and your problems will never go away.

We believe in this motto and try to live by it.

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Florida Tropical Hammock


Tropical hardwood hammocks are closed canopy forests, dominated by a diverse assemblage of evergreen and semi-deciduous tree and shrub species, mostly of West Indian origin. Tropical hardwood hammocks are found in South Florida or the Everglades, with large concentrations on the Miami Rock Ridge, in the Florida Keys, along the northern shores of Florida Bay, and in the Pinecrest region of the Big Cypress Swamp.

Tropical hardwood hammocks persist in small preserves along the Atlantic coastal strip from Miami-Dade County north to Martin County. Analogous communities are found in the Bahamas and the Greater Antilles.[1] Most maritime hammocks on barrier islands in South Florida are similar to this community.

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Amending Documents

From the 2005 Amended By-Laws

Article 13 - Amendments to Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association

These Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Association may be amended or any part thereof rescinded by a majority vote of the members present or represented by proxy at any annual or special meeting provided that notice of the proposal to amend or rescind said Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Association is sent to the members in accordance with the By-Laws of the corporation.

From the Articles of Incorporation

Article XIII - Amendments

SECTION 2. Majority To Amend - These By-Laws may be amended, at a regular or special meeting of the members, by a simple majority vote of the members entitled to cast in person or of proxies entitled to cast.