
Property Owners Association
Working to make Sugarhill as sweet as it can be.
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Welcome To Plants

Our effort to understand the unique plant growing issues in the Sub-Tropical Zone we live in and share them with you.

Use the buttons above to move through the different topics. If you link out of the topic you are on it will bring you back to this start page when you use your back button. You will need to select the topic button again.
These topics are not regulations from the association documents. Some items are in the documents such as invasive species, but our intent is to try to be informative on topics we have learned some things about that we think you might be interested in. We strongly welcome input. Growing plants of all types on a pure sand 'mountain' that drains water very fast and in another portion of Sugarhill where drainage is just the opposite, can be challenging. One thing is for certain, much of Sugarhill plantings require understandings that go beyond the standards for most of South Florida.

We mostly use University of Florida as our references.
If you believe University of Florida is a bad source
for this information, please suggest a better one.

We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
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Who Want's to Catch Flies?

So this is a very old expression. Dates back to the 1500s. It's literal meaning refers to how flies will get stuck in honey and stay away from you (a good thing).

The human relationship meaning refers to how you treat people. Treat them with sweetness (kindness, compassion, consideration) and you don't have as many problems (flies bothering you). Treat them nasty (vinegar) and your problems will never go away.

We believe in this motto and try to live by it.