Video surveillance at the entrance...  4/1/23   5/2/23   John Doty Close

There are several advantages to video surveillance at the entrance to Sugarhill...

1. Deterrent to Crime: Video surveillance cameras can act as a deterrent to crime, as potential criminals are less likely to commit a crime if they know they are being recorded. With only one entrance, their coming and going activity would be recorded.

2. Increased Security: Video surveillance can help increase security in the community by monitoring common areas, such as our mailboxes, our only entrance, and the bulletin board.

3. Evidence Collection: In the event of a crime or incident, video surveillance footage can provide valuable evidence to law enforcement and help identify suspects.

4. Reduced Liability: Video surveillance can help reduce liability for the HOA by providing evidence in the event of a lawsuit or insurance claim.

The camera will be recording but not be live monitored. The only time capture review would happen would be when an incident happens that is reported to the board or if law enforcement requests the footage. The most important reason for this is the sign as a deterrent but the quality being recorded will be very good if needed.

This topic was discussed at our February Annual Members meeting with lots of positive input. Overall, video surveillance can help improve the safety and security of Sugarhill, while also providing valuable evidence and act as a strong deterrent at our entrance. After a huge amount of research we have found a system that will be very light on our budget.

This would be the camera view possibly a little wider.
My dog wanted to be in the picture.

In our March 30th board meeting the board approved purchasing the camera and signs for the entrance. The coat will be under $300 for the entrance project.

This will be what the sign on the post with the camera on top will be like. The actual sign is very reflective so it will be seen with headlights of approaching cars.