Drainage Issues - Links, Reports and Board Commentary
Sugarhill has been plagued by issues relating to the removal of surface water for years like much of South Florida. This page attempts to present documents and reports that have made attempts at improving the situations. Engineering reports have been contracted in the past to identify problems with the initial design to remove excessive surface water form Sugarhill. The 2020 Board has inserted commentary into a 2010 report to help understand the issues and possible changes occurring.
Here are links to a major engineering report contracted in 2010 in an effort to resolve problems. The first "link button" opens a PDF of the 2010 report that we have annotated. We also, have added commentary that is ongoing. 10/10/20 We recently cleared jungle near a questioned pipe only find the water level of the Savannas Preserve is significantly higher than the Parcels B & C levels. Those canals and lakes are being drained down to their maximum lowering ability by the south Parcel C emergency overflow pipe. ...please view the 4-27-21 report below.
4-27-21 Update Flooding/Drainage issues (Names are changed to initials and lot # for internet privacy):
This report by JD 4-17-21
This report by JD 4-17-21
- DR (lot 65) and JD (lot3) met with Guy Boisclair of South Fl Water Management District at the urging of residences on the tennis court lake side of Stokes Tr. specifically JP (lot 76).
- The three of us walked the entire areas concerned with draining the Sugarhill wetlands. This included the emergency outfall pipe area behind GS's house (lot 89) and the Parcel B drainage pipe (deliberately plugged for years) where the berm holds the savannas reserve water back between lot 65 and lot 40.
- During the walk Guy began to see the problem I have been trying to convey to the people in these flood-potential areas. The entire drainage design and concept of the original 40 year old permit was seriously flawed and that the emergency outfall pipe is the only drain for the entire area.
https://www.martin.fl.us/SRRP that is coming close to building a weir: “Jensen Beach Blvd. Weir gates would open when water levels in the neighboring Savannas reached a stage of 14.00 NAVD. (see page 27 & 28 of the report) - The above project is set to hold savannas water to a point higher than the now plugged pipe designed to start draining at 12.5 NAVD. The reason the pipe has been plugged, as we understand it, is because the Savannas Reserve Water was never lower than the Parcel B water.
- During the walk the question of whether or not any homes had flooded came up. I have never been told of any homes flooding and the records don't show any incidences. The covenant: (3.The minimum required finished floor elevation of all homes is 17.5 feet NGVD.) was created by the original permit. Guy indicated the intent of the permit has successfully met the protection of the homes.
- Guy told us to “not change any of the plugged northern pipe at this time” and to make sure “that the emergency outfall pipe is kept clear of being blocked”. With that information we are proceeding with a design I did to fence around the head of the pipe with a straining fence, a 16' x 24' surround to protect and provide the best possible strain-from-debris fence for the pipe. We have had the area cleared so this fence can now be installed.
- We also had the drain-to-canal overflow spillway behind the tennis court cleared. It holds back the water that creates the lake around the tennis court. This allows excellent visual of how the lake was intended to be maximum-hight controlled. This will give us clear view of when the canal will no longer take off lake water. This happens when the canals are full and the emergency outfall pipe is beginning to take off high water at 13.5 feet.
We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.